How to Humanize AI Text Quickly and Easily – 100% Quality Guarantee

The introduction of ChatGPT has turned many things upside down. One of them is content creation. An industry that used to refer exclusively to human talent and creativity has suddenly been undertaken by smart algorithms. The reason is they craft human-like texts in seconds.

This innovation has made many students believe the days of endless content writing are gone. What can be simpler than feeding a professor’s prompt into the algorithm and receiving a neatly composed text? Yet, things are far from simple. Educational institutions are also alert to the use of AI for academic text generation. They have quickly grasped the generative content trend and employed smart detectors that flag generated text fragments and cause you real troubles.

Is this move a reason to close ChatGPT and stop using it for content creation? Not at all! The next step after GPT text creation and AI-enabled text detection is making these texts human. This means you may humanize a text generated by ChatGPT. This way, you can make it sound more human and allow it to pass the detection tools. Here, we explain the main concepts related to AI content and share many effective text humanization tactics.

The Era of AI-Created Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been in the arena of software development for a long time. Yet, generative AI (ChatGPT) has really changed the equation. The new generation of algorithms employs an advanced natural language processing (NLP) technique that analyzes the existing content and creates original text in a similar style. The generated text often looks pretty readable and human. That’s why people related to any sort of writing activity are so optimistic about its potential for trouble-free text generation.

How Do AI Detectors Work to Flag the Content?

The problem with generated texts is that detectors of such content work similarly. They employ the same NLP technique for detecting the repeating content patterns and text cliches in their analysis. As a result, the generated text detection software has also advanced quickly to expose lazy writers’ content origins. Now, you can’t skip the human check. It has become mandatory in all content areas – academic text, paid content creation, and scholarly text publications. Therefore, you have no other way to continue using ChatGPT than to humanize texts you receive from the program.

Why Should I Humanize AI Text?

As a result of the academic institutions turning a close eye on the practices of ChatGPT usage in texts, you need to go the extra mile to turn AI writing to human content. The reason for doing this is simple – AI text is the same as plagiarism. You may be suspended or put on probation if the professor discovers you’ve fed them with a ChatGPT-crafted text. They don’t like being fooled, and you won’t like their reaction to such an experiment either. Things may get even worse if you already have academic troubles or have a low GPA. You risk losing a spot at college or university because of carelessly submitting a text created by an algorithm.

How to Humanize AI Content Manually?

How to humanize AI text so that the software tools and a keen eye of your professor can’t detect its origin? Here are some key tips to help you humanize AI text trouble-free.

Humanize AI text by addressing cliches

The simplest way to turn AI to human text is to remove text repetitions and cliches. These parasites are always present in generated texts. Artificial intelligence algorithms rely heavily on them for language connectivity and readability. Once you remove those elements, your text is sure to look much more human.

Humanize text with natural collocations

The generated text usually looks pretty mechanical and non-personal. A humanized text will look much better if it employs natural phrases and collocations a human writer typically uses. Obviously, using slang is not always appropriate, especially if you write an academic text. Yet, adding some conversational tone and human emotions to it will make it undetectable.

Humanize AI writing with the help of personal examples

You may also transform AI text to human text by adding a bit of you to the content. Mention your experiences and life examples in the text and add an anecdote where possible. These measures will humanize text effectively.

Turn AI text to human text by alternating syntax

Humanized AI text will go undetected if you use varied syntactical constructions. This technique is referred to as content burstiness. Human texts tend to have sentences of different lengths and styles, while ChatGPT uses monotonous syntax in content.

Humanize Text Generated with AI with the Help of Smart Apps

Interestingly, you may also turn AI text to human writing by employing innovative humanizing tools and software. There are plenty of bots and apps that promise to add a human touch to your text. Some of the top-recommended apps with positive user reviews include:

  • Writesonic.
  • Undetectable.
  • WriteHuman.
  • StealthWriter.

Transforming AI to Human Text: Two Examples

Let’s consider two examples to see how the transformation of AI text to human writing takes place.

Example #1:

Online learning offers numerous advantages, making education more accessible and flexible. It allows students to learn at their own pace, accommodating different schedules and learning styles. With a vast array of courses available, learners can choose subjects that interest them. It often comes at a lower cost than traditional education. The digital format offers interactive and diverse educational resources, such as videos, forums, and virtual simulations. Additionally, online learning fosters a global classroom environment. Thus, students connect and collaborate with peers worldwide. This enhances their cultural understanding and networking opportunities. Overall, online learning provides a convenient and effective way to acquire knowledge and skills.

Humanized text:

Modern students often think about the pros and cons of online learning. It’s commonly marketed as more accessible and flexible. But is that always the case? Indeed, online courses allow self-paced learning and match students’ schedules and learning styles. Besides, you can choose from many course options. That all comes at a cost much lower than traditional education. The added bonus is the diversity and interactivity of resources that tech-savvy learners are sure to appreciate. You can enjoy a far more interactive learning experience with videos, forums, and virtual simulations and partake in discussions within a global classroom. Such a format enables new connections and collaborations without borders. It gives you greater cultural awareness and networking. This way, online learning is convenient and effective as a mode for new knowledge and skill acquisition.

Example #2:

Euthanasia, or the act of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering, presents both pros and cons. Proponents argue that it offers a compassionate solution for terminally ill patients experiencing unbearable pain. It allows them to die with dignity and avoid prolonged suffering. It can also alleviate the emotional and financial burden on families. However, opponents raise ethical concerns, fearing it could lead to potential abuse and devaluation of human life. There are worries about the accuracy of prognosis and consent. Critics also caution against the moral implications of allowing doctors to end lives. The debate continues, balancing compassion against ethical considerations and societal impact.

Humanized text:

Euthanasia, or voluntary death, is a subject of intense debate in the international community today. Sometimes referred to as merciful killing, it is presented as a compassionate solution for terminally ill and suffering patients. Indeed, the remedy may seem relevant to those who suffer terrible pain and want to leave the world with human dignity. Its financial benefits are also indisputable. Families often have to dive deep into debt to sustain their dying relatives’ end-of-life needs. Yet, things are not that simple and positive when it comes to ethics. Opponents of euthanasia legalization caution about potential abuse of the practice and a general depreciation of the human life’s value. With inaccurate medical diagnoses and prognoses, the risk of ending a worthy human life prematurely increases. Besides, it is hard to determine the doctors’ boundaries of authority in ending a patient’s life. Not everyone is ready to assume that responsibility, even upon request. With all these considerations in mind, euthanasia remains a challenging dilemma in the majority of jurisdictions.

Humanize AI Content with Ease with Our Team

If you still find it hard to humanize AI writing on your own, it’s not a good reason to refuse the gains of modern technology. Embrace the benefits of algorithms to create content prompts and hire our writers who can humanize the text with ease. We can quickly make your text more human by using the tactics discussed above. They will match the output to your individual style, making it fully authentic and human-written.


How has AI transformed text creation?

The launch of ChatGPT and other generative text GPT models has transformed the world of text creation once and for all. These innovative algorithms can create brand-new text that looks like a human based on your prompts. They analyze facts, answer your inquiries, and suggest tips and solutions in a human-like manner.

Why is it essential to humanize AI content before submission?

Texts generated by ChatGPT are equated to plagiarism in academic institutions and publishing agencies. Such a text is similar to handing your intellectual assignment to somebody else and submitting it as if you’ve completed the task. Thus, suspicion of AI usage in your text may be disastrous for your reputation as a student, researcher, or journalist.

Which tools and tactics can you use to humanize content?

ChatGPT is known to produce pretty generic and cliché-stuffed texts, so you can make the content more human with little effort. First, you need to remove repetitive text constructions and add a bit of your personal, human style. Second, you should introduce personal examples and anecdotes to make the text more personal. Third, you need to rework the syntax to make sentences of varied length.

How can technology help you with generated texts?

The pace of software development is very fast today, with forward-looking manufacturers trying to anticipate and meet user demand. Thus, soon after the emergence of generative AI that creates text and the introduction of generated text detectors, software developers deployed a variety of tools for making AI text human. Thus, you can employ many automated AI humanizers, such as, StealthGPT, Writesonic, and many others.

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